# $Id: LICENSE.wPRN,v 1.2 2004/12/06 15:17:53 ksb Exp $ This package contains fragments of code released under Copyright from Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, Indiana, 47907. The original Copyright allows for derived works, so long as we don't hold them responsible, misrepresent this code as solely our work, or distribute altered versions as the original. See that Copyright notice in the file "calls.c". The modifications I've made to this software are pervasive, no file in the package remains unaltered, as far as I know. Permission is granted to anyone to use, modify and distribute the modified software for any purpose, so long as you don't violate the original Purdue terms, or hold the authors (nor Purdue University) responsible for any consequences of the use of these modifications. To be safe you might include (in your license file) the first paragraph of this notice. I feel Purdue deserves the credit, but I'm not a lawyer. -- ksb (Kevin S Braunsdorf), ksb plus crn At spam.NPCGuild.org minus spam.