# $Id: TODO,v 1.13 2012/11/12 20:06:33 ksb Exp $ Major fix needed: to make the pid send more reliable, use a msgsnd/msgrcv to get the pid? Of course multiple senders race. Sigh. SCM_CRED doesn't always pass the pid (on every UNIX system). So we don't publish a pid that is always right. We keep the comments from the token source, but can't output them to the shell level (yet). Maybe options: Allow -Y to specify that when the token source changes we should re-read the file (or directory). But what do we do about tasks that have a token out that is now gone? Humm. Let them finish, but don't allow the token to be released back into the queue. Allow "variable resources allocation" (-jmax), to allow 1 to 10 max_jobs: ptbw -AR1 -j10 sh -c 'exec make -j $# all' or allow -R to take a range (save an option letter) ptbw -AR1-10 sh -c 'exec make -j $# all' the Pascal ".." might be better, so it doens't look like subtraction? ptbw -R 2..30 sh -c ... Allow "-t dir/" to force the token list to be the list of names in the directory that do NOT start with a dot (.). Stangely we could even look for changes in the dir to keep the list up-to-date (-Y) above? This would allow a process to ask for a file, open it, unlink it, process it, then ask for more another to use a directory as a queue. If the original sort is by ctime... humm. -- ksb, Sep 2012