/* $Id: breakargs.h,v 3.0 1992/04/22 13:24:09 ksb Stab $ * breakargs - break a string into a string vector for execv. * * Returns NULL if can't malloc space for vector, else vector. * Note, when done with the * vector, just "free" the vector. * Written by Stephen Uitti, PUCC, Nov '85 * for the new version of "popen" - "nshpopen", that doesn't use a shell. * (used here for the as filters, a newer option). * * Permission is hereby given for its free reproduction and modification for * non-commercial purposes, provided that this notice and all embedded * notices be retained. Commercial organizations may give away copies as * part of their systems provided that they do so without charge, and that * they acknowledge the source of the software. */ extern char **breakargs(); /* do the conversion to an argv */